Who Am I?

As a photographer, I am in the pursuit of creatively reflecting what I find most fascinating in this life. I do not desire to merely document, I hope to share the experience.

My Story

My love for nature and art started early.  As a child, I was fascinated by the wildlife encyclopedias my grandmother had tucked away in cabinet.  Curiosity gave way to creativity, and I started sketching animals interacting with their environment.  Science and art quickly became areas of insatiable interest. 


I later enrolled in my first film photography class where I became hooked in the entire process, art and science.  It was something I never grew tired of investing in and always wanted to chase the light.  However, as I pursued biology in college, my attention shifted to making a career in the study of freshwater fish.  I would snap a few pictures here and their but my love for the art of photography grew cold.  I figured I would never make it a career.


However, that science career never came to fruition.  And big changes were ahead that drastically transformed some of my life perspectives and priorities.  One of the largest life events was marrying my beautiful bride.  From the beginning of our relationship, she encouraged me to “do more art” alongside my regular job.  Gradually this grew into making extra cash on the side in outdoor portraiture.  It was not my favorite genre to work in, but I loved helping people and finally moving into the digital era of photography and graphic design world.


Eventually I decided, with a healthy push from my wife, it was time to really put my passion to work and pursue graphic design and photography as a career.  By grace alone I am here today again enjoying that pursuit of light and how it gives shape to our perception of the world.